Monday, March 24, 2025

Sermon and Announcements March 23



March 23, 2025



John 15:9-11


Today we are continuing on with the 2nd fruit of the spirit, Joy. Depending on the translation the word Joy is mentioned as much as 300 times in the Bible. The New International version I use mentions, in one form or another, Joy 242 times. But what is Joy?

According to the dictionary the definition of Joy is “The emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something good or satisfying. A source of keen pleasure or delight.”

The Biblical definition for Joy is a feeling of good pleasure and happiness that is dependent on who Jesus is rather than on who we are or what is happening around us. Joy comes from the Holy Spirit, abiding in God’s presence and hope in His word.

So, you can see up to a point the definition most commonly found in a dictionary and the definition rooted in God’s word have some similarities but there is a very definite difference.

The use of the word Joy in the scripture we first read clearly shows Jesus was wanting his disciples to know what is available to them and how it can be flowing through them. When James was talking about Joy in James 1:2+3 he was describing a different way and reason the church can be experiencing Joy. There he says “consider it pure Joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. This encouragement from James makes it clear that the Joy a believer has comes from walking with the Lord in every situation.


The question for you and me is whether we are tapping into the Spirit lead Joy talked about in Galatians or is the Joy we more often have based on how things are going minute by minute or day by day like described in a normal dictionary. The reality is that no matter how much we try to walk with the Lord there will be times we allow circumstances to overwhelm us. I am reminded of the time that the disciples left Jesus on the shore and went on ahead in a boat. After a period of time Jesus walked on the water to catch up with them. When the disciples saw someone walking on the water toward them, we are told they were terrified. Makes sense no one expects to see someone or something walking toward you on the water. Jesus called to them to calm their fears and once Peter realized it was Jesus he said can I come out to you on the water? Jesus said go ahead and so there was Peter walking on the water toward Jesus. But before long he noticed the waves and the wind and said to himself what in the world am I doing I can’t walk on water and he began to sink.  This is found in Matthew 14:22-30. Do we lose the Joy the Holy Spirit has for us when we look less to God and more at storms of life going on around us?


Is it easy to always have Joy flowing through us as the Holy Spirit intends? No. Once again the question for you and me is are we allowing the things going on around us to dictate our Joy or are we allowing the Holy Spirit to help us to grow in this fruit of the spirit just like the good fruit grows on the good tree Jesus talked about?


Are we considering it pure joy when those difficulties of life come our way. Are we looking at them as opportunities to grow closer and more trusting in the Lord?


As we draw to a close our look at the fruit joy lets be reminded of what is said in Psalm 30:4+5 “Sing praise to the Lord you saints of his; praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but Joy comes in the morning.


The second fruit of the spirit is Joy. The Holy Spirit has made it available to every believer in Christ. It is yours and mine to claim. There may be times that we lose that Joy that is there for us, but we can reclaim it just as quickly as Peter did when he was walking on the water. For a moment he took his eyes off of Jesus and he began to sink but just as quick as he turned back to Jesus his faith his confidence his Joy returned. That is what God is saying to you and me as well. Keep your eyes on me, allow the Holy Spirit to guide your path and you can live in the Joy I have made available to you no matter what the circumstance.

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesdays 9:30 Bible Study


March 29 9:30-3:30 District Potluck Experience in Peoria

April 6 Blanket Sunday

Executive Committee after worship

April 13 Snacks due for college care packages—we know of 6.

April 17 6:00 pm Love Feast here


--Please sign up to give a children’s message during worship and/or in the nursery during the sermon.


First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362



Keep in Your Prayers

The families of Marianne Pittman, Cody Gentry, and Barb Wood; Vallen (Tracy’s granddaughter); Pat Creviston; Stacie Warren; Doris Morganthaler; Nancy Fansler; Ruth Siburt; Dorthea Wood; Mike and Kathy Gentry; Steve Needham; Larry Traxler; Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver; Ron and Kathleen Petersen; Doug Larrick; Louis & Carol Sulwer; Shirley & Carroll Clarkson; David and Jan Bower; Debbie Garvey Leibrock; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver; many unspoken requests; victims of shootings and of natural disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; the Haitian church; the CoB in the Democratic Republic of Congo; those in the middle of war and violence; military and other services and their families; Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the District Potluck Experience Team and for the potluck this coming Saturday. Also pray for Disaster workers and for Brethren Disaster Ministries.






Monday, March 17, 2025

Sermon March 16, 2025



March 16, 2025


The Fruit of Love

Galatians 5:22      


As mentioned last week we are going to look at Love which is the very first fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22. Love is one of the most talked about attributes mentioned in scripture.


There are a number of different ways Love is described in scripture as well as in life in general. The Love we are seeing mentioned in Galatians 5 is what is called agape Love. The definition for agape Love is selfless, sacrificial love, which is Love that comes from the Holy Spirit, as opposed to the other types of Love that may be based on feeling or preference.


Let’s take a look at what this Love means to us, as individual Christians, as well as the church. There are countless examples of Love given to us in scripture. Jesus gave us real world examples of how Love should be flowing through believers, Gods people. Let’s take a look at a couple of those examples at this time.


Last week I shared with you about the good tree and the bad tree from the Sermon on the Mount. Let’s look at how Jesus showed Love should be working in the attitudes and the hearts of Gods people. We will find that also in Jesus’ message on the Sermon on the Mount.


There are 2 very blunt examples of Love and how this agape Love should be operating in the life of a believer. The first is found in Matthew 5: 38-42, there we read “You have heard that it was said Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone wants you to go with him one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”


We have all read these verses many times before but the Lord is showing us if we have true love in our hearts all these things we will willingly do. Let’s begin with the first, eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth that is clearly a reference to the Old Testament law that allowed Gods people to demand immediate justice when they had been wronged. Jesus however is acknowledging that an evil person may have done you wrong but we should be willing to turn the other cheek. What do think about that, how easy is that to do? But that is what agape Love looks like.


Let’s continue on in Matthew the 5th chapter the 43rd verse thru the 48th verse. There we read “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons and daughters of your Father in heaven. He causes the sun to shine on the evil and the good, and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. You know Jesus was about to point out a flaw in the peoples thinking or about to clarify what God really means about things when he started things off by saying, you have heard that it was said.


Jesus gave a lot of specific examples of what love should look like in the lives of Gods people. When Paul was telling the church about the fruit of spirit that was to be a part of there lives do you think they realized the things mentioned by Jesus back in Matthew really applied to the fruit love? Some of the people Paul was writing to may have actually been there when Jesus delivered that message.


When the Holy Spirits fruit of Love is flowing thru us as God intends we will not “resist evil people, we will Love and pray for our enemies.” Jesus points out if we only love those who love us how are we any different from “tax collectors and pagans.


So how are we doing when it comes to putting this fruit of the spirit in to practice on a daily basis. I don’t know if any of you have people you run across from time to time that you just don’t get along with. Or whether there may be people in the news or in entertainment that you just don’t like. How do we get where the Lord is telling us we need to be? For you and me all by ourselves it is impossible that is why Jesus promised and God the Father gave us the Holy Spirit. What we can’t do in our own strength we can do with the Holy Spirits help.


God has promised through the Holy Spirit that true agape love can be ours. This first fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5 is for you and me.

As we wrap up our time together, I would like to leave you with these promises from what is entitled, by most, the Love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13. The 6th, 7th, and first part of the 8th verse tells us this, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. What a promise God has made to the church when we have the fruit, Love flowing thru us.  


At times we may fall short of what God has made available for us but we should do what is said in that 7th verse in 1 Corinthians 13, persevere. God will always honor our efforts when we are seeking to walk with him. While I pointed out a couple of the more challenging examples of Love, there are many other positive examples of Love in scripture as well. The important thing for, us, Gods people is to have all aspects of Gods flowing thru us as much as possible. The fruit of Love is ours to enjoy and to experience in all of its wonderful ways.

Pastor Larry


Monday, March 10, 2025

Sermon March 9, 2025



March 9, 2025


The Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-25      


Last week we looked at the fact that the Holy Spirit that was promised by Jesus Christ gave gifts to believers. These gifts have multiple purposes from equipping the church to be able to resist the lies of Satan to gifts that help believers carry out all the things we should be doing for Gods kingdom. These gifts also make life more enjoyable to, not only us, but also can be a blessing to others in a number of ways.


Today we are going to begin a look at what Paul calls in Galatians the fruit of the spirit. There are 9 different “fruits of the spirit” that are mentioned in the 22nd and 23rd verses of the 5th chapter of Galatians. Just prior to those verses in Galatians are 15 different attitudes or actions or sins that should not be part of a spirit filled Christian’s life. Over the next several weeks, and it will take much longer than that, we are going to look at the 9 positive characteristics of a spirit filled Christian.


We will be taking the “fruit” mentioned one at a time to really get an understanding of just how important each one is for the church as well as each individual believer. I mentioned it could take quite a while to cover these because we will officially begin next Sunday with the fruit Love, continue on with Joy then take a break for a few weeks as we approach Easter.


When we think about fruit what is the first thing that comes to mind? It is probably your personal favorite fruit that you enjoy eating. During the winter months finding your favorite fruit might be difficult depending on what it is. I personally like a lot of different fruits. In winter, however I simply will not buy certain fresh fruits. Peaches for example simply don’t seem to have as good of a flavor when you buy them now as they do in summer, at least that’s my opinion and I could go on and on about a number of other fresh fruits I simply won’t buy in winter.


During Jesus sermon on the mount, he used an easy-to-understand example to help the people understand the importance of Gods people being Faithful and productive during our time on this earth. In Matthew 7 the 17th and 18th verses he describes Gods people this way: Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.


So when we see Paul talking about the fruit of the spirit it is clearly a continuation of what Jesus was talking about in Matthew. In my Bible, the section beginning with the 16th verse and going thru the 26th verse of Galatians the 5th chapter is called “Life by the Spirit. Theses verses cover both the “bad fruit” mentioned by Jesus and the “good fruit” he mentioned. I encourage you to read these verses this week as we begin our time together looking at the “good fruit” highlighted beginning once again with the 22nd verse.


What a gracious and Loving God we have. He wants us to have everything we need to live a successful and abundant life. When the promised Holy Spirit was sent to the believers, he provided us with every tool we need to live a victorious life. As we go thru these fruits of the spirit it will give each one of us a chance to see just how much each one of these “fruits’ are flowing thru us the way the Holy Spirit intended.


The Lord is constantly reminding me that I have been given everything I need to live a joyful abundant life while I am here on this earth as I prepare to spend eternity with my Lord and Savior. So, let’s get encouraged together as the Lord reminds us of each one of the fruits of the spirit we have been provided with. Unlike the spiritual gifts that we have been given that may be different for each one of us, all of these fruits of the spirit are for each and every believer. So, one more reminder next Sunday we will begin with the first one listed which is Love. Is this one the most important or are all of the different fruits listed equally important for us? That will be for you and me to consider and decide.


May the Holy Spirit help each one of us to live the best life we can no matter what phase of life we may be in. We have all we need to do just that through Jesus Christ our Lord and the fruit of the spirit which has been given to each of us by the Holy Spirit so we can be successful in all we do.

Pastor Larry



March 16 One Great Hour of Sharing special offering

March 18 12:00 Women's fellowship lunch- meal provided- soups, etc.

March 29 District Potluck at the Peoria church                                                                                                                                                                                  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

NEW SERMON March 2 2025



March 2, 2025


Do all to the Glory of God

Romans 12:4-6, Colossians 3:17       


We have looked at the scripture we have begun with this morning before. The section in Romans 12 is similar to the verses in 1 Corinthians 12. They both talk about the gifts given to the church by the Holy Spirit.


The inspiration for this message this morning has to do with a couple of the things we got to witness while we were on vacation.


We were Blessed to be able to go on a cruise while we were gone. I do not know how many of you have ever been on a cruise but it is a different kind of a vacation in that once you get on the ship you are there until the ship returns to port. You can’t decide, "I think I will go home early," or "I don’t like this;  let’s do something else" like you can on a more traditional land-based vacation. Beginning with our 25th wedding anniversary we have been on several cruise over the years. They work for us but I know they aren’t for everyone.


That all being said--what led me to this message was a couple of the entertainment options that were on this cruise. First of all, there was a diving show that was performed several different times throughout the cruise. The pool that is available for them to dive into is probably about 15 feet by 30 feet. Some of the dives were from 30 or so feet above the pool surface. These dives are being performed out on the ocean with the boat moving as it goes through the water.  The incredible skill and talent of these divers is amazing, not to mention the unbelievable ability to hold your breath under water that these men and women displayed.


The second show that we got to enjoy was ice skating. They actually did 2 completely different shows on this cruise. The first was a show that had a story behind it, the second was a freestyle skate that the performers used their own creative talents to create.


 As we experienced these 2 different types of entertainment as well as the display of incredible talent, I was reminded of how God Blesses each and every one of us with gifts and talent. How we use some of those gifts and talents is up to us.


Some of those gifts and talents can be used by God to highlight the beauty and majesty of God. The diving and skating could be used as a tremendous platform for God for those lead to use it in that way. Some of the gifts and talents the Lord gives us is less spectacular in some ways but every bit as important.


So many of you do things on a regular basis here as a part of this congregation with little fanfare and little credit. If no one else notices I guarantee you God does. We just had a soup supper here that I didn’t feel I should attend because of the flu. I felt so bad that I let you down but I know so many of you stepped up and made it a success yet again. So many of you have been using your gifts and talents for this congregation and this community for a long time.


So, whether it is the awe-inspiring talents of divers and skaters or the variety of gifts and talents some of us “less gifted” people have, all God continues to ask us is to do is whatever we can for the work God continues to do in this world. God has given each and every one of us gifts and talents never forget that.


As we wrap up our time together this morning, I leave you with this from Ephesians 4:7-8 “But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This why it says: When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to mankind.” You and I continue to be Blessed with gifts by Christ to this day. Use them to the glory of God as we, each in our own way, seek to “To do all for the Glory of God”.

Pastor Larry


Monday, December 16, 2024

Sermon and Announcements December 15, 2024


December 15, 2024

Let Us Go and See

Luke 2:8-15

We continue a familiar theme. For the third week in a row, we read that an

angel of the Lord appeared out of nowhere to make an announcement. The

angel that appeared to Zechariah and Mary told them his name was Gabriel.

On this occasion, as was the case with the angel in Joseph’s dream, it simply

says an angel of the Lord appeared. In a period of just over a year’s time, an

angel appeared in one way or another four different times. It is obvious

something major was about to happen. On all four occasions those involved

were just minding their own business. They had not been seeking the Lord’s

help or direction in ways different from the past, but in all four cases an

angel appeared without warning and out of nowhere.

In every case, God had a specific reason for sending his angel to those

involved. With Zechariah and Elizabeth, the prayers they had been lifting up

to the Lord for years was finally going to be answered. Elizabeth would have

a son. He would be special to what God was about to do on behalf of all


With Mary and Joseph where we have a couple that was looking forward to

marriage and a family. They were two good and honorable people beginning

their lives together. But before they really started their lives together, God

was going to use them in ways they never dreamt could happen. The angel

came to both Mary and Joseph in different ways and at different times to

explain God’s plans for them and the son that they would raise.

Now we have a third time the angel came to speak to people who would

have never believed such a thing could happen. On this evening, we have

shepherds doing what they probably had done hundreds of times before.

They were on a hillside or a pasture keeping an eye on a flock of sheep. I am

sure it seemed like just another night. They may have been on guard to

make sure no wolves snuck in to get any of the sheep, but otherwise just

another night. But then their lives changed and the whole world was about

to change forever as well. Here we have shepherds watching their sheep

when suddenly out of nowhere someone else was there with them. This was

not some ordinary looking stranger either.

When the angel appeared to Zechariah and to Mary there is no mention of

anything special about him other than his sudden appearance. Something

was different this time. We are told that when the angel appeared the glory

of the Lord shown around them. Out on that dark hillside or pasture it

sounds like a visible sign of something special was there before the

shepherds’ eyes. As soon as the angel told the shepherds what was

happening and why he was there, things got even more exciting. As soon as

the angel finished telling the shepherds that the Savior of the world had just

been born in Bethlehem, it says a great company of the heavenly host was

there with the angel as well. We are told what the heavenly host proclaimed

but we aren’t told how they really did it. When you read of this event or

have heard it told, how do you picture it? Do you see them standing next to

the angel or do you think of them as suspended in air just above the

shepherds? Are they saying these words or in some way singing this great

announcement to all who could hear? It would appear that as quickly as the

angel and this heavenly host appeared, they were gone. If somehow, some

way something like this happened to you, what do you think you would do?

Would you believe your eyes and ears or would you think you had been out

away from people with the sheep for too long? The scripture tells us they all

agreed that they should go and see if what they were told was really true.

Have you ever been told by someone of something out of the ordinary that

you felt you had to go and see if it was really true?

I hate to admit this but as I thought about that one thing instantly came to

mind. In 1974 many of you remember Cerro Gordo had one of the best small

school basketball teams in the State of Illinois. Cathy and I were dating and

had just gone with some others to one of the Cerro Gordo basketball games.

That particular game was an away game so after the game was over, we had

come back to Cerro Gordo. Before I go any further, I will admit what Cathy

either is already thinking or will be in a minute or 2, the things I should

remember I do not and the things that are not important or I should forget I

seem to remember. On with the story. When we got back to Cerro Gordo,

we were told by some kids about something that was supposed to happen

at Millikin University. So, we loaded up and went in to see if it was true.

During the mid-70s, there was an insane craze that swept across many cities

in America, especially on college campuses – streaking! Any of you

remember that? There were supposed to be some college kids streaking

there at Millikin. For those who don’t know what that means, you take off all

your clothes and then go run on the streets. Sure enough, there were some

who were actually streaking on this rather warm February evening.

Hopefully you have thought of some better, more meaningful examples of

what you may have been led to go and see as I have shared this rather silly


The shepherds faithfully went to Bethlehem and found the place where

Jesus had been born. Everything was just as they had been told. They knew

they had been blessed in ways no one else would ever be blessed. Of all the

people God could have revealed this historic event to, he chose shepherds.

Shepherds were not the most respected people. They clearly were not

respected like priests or kings or even shop keepers, but God chose

shepherds to be the first to witness this history changing event. They had a

choice. They could have said, “I am not going into town. It is late, I am tired

and it is too far.” But they didn’t. They believed they had been given a

special gift and they had to see for themselves.

God is still asking people to come and see. Maybe we will never have Gabriel

come and announce something special to us, but the Holy Spirit is still calling

us to come and see. The Bible says after the shepherds left, Mary, Joseph

and the baby Jesus returned praising and glorifying God. I am sure they told

everyone they saw from that day forward of the special blessing God had

given them. There are several things that we can learn from this event.

1. Nothing is impossible for God.

2. God will do exactly what he says he will do.

3. Everyone is special to God.

After 2000 years, God is still calling out to this world to come and see.

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

Today Advent special offering—envelopes are in back

Tuesday, December 17 7:00 pm Christmas service

December 31 Due date for submissions for the

January/February newsletter

January 2, 2025 Board Meeting—Commissions 6:00; Board

6:30 p.m.

Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362

First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Keep in Your Prayers

Lois Day family; Rick and Debbie Chestnut; Shirley Krall;

Bobby’s father; Ruth Siburt; Dorthea Wood; Mike and Kathy

Gentry; Paul Kohler; Steve Needham; Larry Traxler; Nancy

Fansler; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver; Ron and

Kathleen Petersen; Doug Larrick; Shirley Clarkson; David and

Jan Bower; Debbie Garvey Leibrock; Mike and Carol

Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver;

many unspoken requests; victims of shootings and of natural

disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; the Haitian church;

those in the middle of war and violence; military and other

services and their families; Brethren Volunteer Service workers;

Disaster project workers; victims of Helene and Milton

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Hurricane Creek

congregation and for the Church of the Brethren in Venezuela

and Columbia.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Sermon and Announcements December 1, 2024


December 1, 2024

What Are You Waiting On?

Luke 1:5-25

Over the next three Sundays leading up to Christmas Sunday, we are going

to look at the stories of those God used to bring about the greatest gift, the

greatest miracle God gave to the world.

Today as we read in the scripture is the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth and

John. Other than another reference later in the first chapter of Luke, we do

not hear of Zechariah and Elizabeth again. These 20 verses we read this

morning have an incredible amount of detail about what was going on with

Zechariah in the temple and how he and Elizabeth were going to be used by

God to change the world forever. Let us look at who Zechariah and Elizabeth

are to begin with. The are both descendants of Aaron, which was the

brother of Moses. This shows a couple of things.

1. That Zechariah continued the tradition of priests that had first been

established through Aaron after the exodus from Egypt.

2. It also shows that even though over a thousand years had passed the

Jewish people tracked their ancestry very carefully. How many of you

here today can track your ancestors 1,000 years in the past?

Theologians say there were around 20,000 priests at this time and they were

divided into 24 groups. Obviously, the specific duties of going into the

temple and ministering for the people before God was only given to one

person at a time. The 24 groups took turns and they cast lots among the

priests of that group to determine who would enter the temple to minister

on behalf of the people. Scripture says they cast lots and Zechariah was


I ask your indulgence as I share all these details, but they are so amazingly

important to show how God’s hand directed all these events. In verse 6 we

are reminded that both Zechariah and Elizabeth were faithful followers of

God. At times many of us may fall into a rut of just going through the

motions in our worship of the Lord. Zechariah and Elizabeth, it seems, never

fell into that rut.

Zechariah went into the temple to offer prayers on behalf of the people and

after those prayers had been offered the priest would burn incense that

would rise toward heaven. When the priest was in the temple hundreds, if

not thousands of worshippers, would be outside the temple praying and

waiting to see the smoke of incense carrying their prayers to heaven. While

Zechariah was in the temple faithfully carrying out his priestly duties,

suddenly an angel appeared to him. In the Old Testament God spoke to

prophets most of the time in dreams or with visions. This time an angel

appeared to Zechariah in bodily form. God wanted to make sure no mistake

or misunderstanding occurred. Eventually the angel even told Zechariah his

name. Gabriel was there to tell Zechariah the prayer that he and his wife

had been praying for years was about to the answered. They were going to

have a son. Even though Zechariah and Elizabeth were faithful followers of

God, they had been unable to have children. At this time in history, most of

the Jewish people believed that meant some sin prevented them from

having God’s blessing of children. So, this stigma haunted Zechariah and

Elizabeth. When Gabriel made this announcement, Zechariah felt both joy

and disbelief because they were both beyond the normal childbearing years.

Gabriel gave details about their son including what his name should be. At

this time a son would be given the family name, but they were to call their

son John, which means “the Lord is gracious”.

Normally the priest was not in the temple for a very long time to offer

prayers and burn incense, but this time Zechariah was gone for a lot longer

than normal, which made the people wonder what was going on. As

Gabriel’s time with Zechariah was about to end, he told Zechariah that

because you did not immediately believe my words you will be unable to

make a sound until your son is born. With that pronouncement, Gabriel left


Let us look at what kind of person Zechariah and Elizabth’s son would be.

Zechariah is told his son would be a delight to him and his wife, as well as

many more people before his life was over. John would be great in the eyes

of the Lord. He was never to drink anything that was fermented. And John

would be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth. In many ways, John was

the greatest man of God born to a man and woman ever. No where else in

scripture is it said that someone was “filled with the Holy Spirit from birth”.

So here we have Zechariah and Elizabeth. They had been hoping and praying

for a child ever since they had been married. And when they had given up

hope that their prayers would ever be answered, God was there, which

brings us to you and me? Have you been praying for a long time to God that

a special need or answer would happen? Have you either quit praying or

simply conceded whatever t is you have prayed for is not going to happen?

Zechariah and Elizabeth remind us to never give up. God’s timing and ours is

not always the same. If we are truly seeking God’s will with our prayers and

our lives, God will provide. One the great messages of the Christmas Story is

that God answers the prayers of His people. Sometimes God wants us to

wait for our answer and sometimes the answer is not exactly how we

thought it would be, but God hears our prayers and wants the best for all of

His people.

So, to go back to the question asked in the sermon title, “What are you

waiting on?” The Lord says, “Don’t give up, don’t stop praying.” God’s

answer will come just like it did for Zechariah and Elizabeth and the whole

world. A new day was coming and God is never limited by time or space.

God will always keep His promises and we will always find it is worth the

wait when God is in it.

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

TODAY soup lunch after worship; decorate sanctuary and

fellowship hall

December 5 Board Meeting for new and current members:

6:00 Commissions; 6:30 Board; reorganize after board meeting

December 7 10:00 – 12:00 Pick up candy orders

December 8 Community Christmas Vespers here—we need a

special—either music or a reading—volunteers?

December 11 12:00 Women’s Lunch—reveal prayer

partners—all women invited; last name A-K salad or vegetable;

L-Z dessert; meat furnished (pork loin)

December 17 7:00 pm Christmas service

Angel Tree gifts are due December 8.

Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362

Donation Box for December: The Lord’s Storehouse

First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Keep in Your Prayers

Shirley Krall; Bobby’s father; Ruth Siburt; Dorthea Wood; Mike

and Kathy Gentry; Paul Kohler; Steve Needham; Larry Traxler;

Nancy Fansler; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver;

Ron and Kathleen Petersen; Doug Larrick; Shirley Clarkson;

David and Jan Bower; Debbie Garvey Leibrock; Mike and Carol

Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver;

many unspoken requests; victims of shootings and of natural

disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; the Haitian church;

those in the middle of war and violence; military and other

services and their families; Brethren Volunteer Service workers;

Disaster project workers; victims of Helene and Milton

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Chicago First

congregation and for the work of Ecumenism Metro Chicago.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Sermon and Announcements November 10


November 10, 2024

Praise Him! Praise Him!

Ephesians 1:3-7

I hope you had a great Sunday last week with those from Willow Tree

sharing with you.

What led me to this message today was some of the things I experienced

last weekend. Last Saturday was District Conference. Our special music

guest was very inspirational following our lunch break. Then the moderator

for this year’s District Conference wanted a song that would get us woke up

and encouraged. Carol was our song leader so she came up with the song,

“Praise Him, Praise Him.” We are going to close out our service this morning

with that song. As we were singing and I might say, everyone really sang out,

the Lord reminded me of how much we have to thank God for and how

much we have to praise our Savior for. The words of this song really spoke

to me in a way I don’t believe I had allowed the Lord to speak to me before.

This song is a song of celebration to all who believe and have received Jesus

Christ as Lord and Savior. I could close out our time together by simply

sharing the words of this song; they are that powerful and that encouraging.

Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!

Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!

Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory;

Strength and honor give to His holy Name!

Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,

In His arms He carries them all day long.

Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness;

Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!

What a powerful message that first verse gives to God’s church, to you and

me, God’s people.

Let us look at a couple of the things we are reminded of about Jesus in this

verse. First of all, we are encouraged to tell of the love Jesus has shown and

give to all who will receive. We are then reminded to share what power

Jesus has been given. As a result, we should give proper honor and glory to

him. We are told Jesus will guard His children in His arms. He carries them all

day long. Jesus is there to provide us with the strength and courage to keep

moving forward even when we don’t think we can. In fact, on those

occasions when we think we can’t keep going on, then we are told Jesus will

carry us in His arms.

The next two verses are just as powerful. The verses we read in Ephesians

seems to me to be the inspiration for this song, because it seems to say

almost the exact same things this song is telling us. As I said, we are going to

sing this song in just a few minutes, but I would like to share just a few more

things mentioned in this song before we do that.

The whole reason we call ourselves Christians is because of the love God

showed through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The second verse gets to the

heart of showing just how much God loves us. Jesus Christ suffered; he bled

and he died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. That shows just how

far God was willing to go to redeem us. As mentioned in verse 4 of

Ephesians 1, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be

holy and blameless in his sight.”

I do not know about you, but I have to admit I haven’t been able to live a

100% holy and blameless life and yet what Jesus did for us makes us holy

and blameless in the eyes of God. That is love.

The third verse tells of the attitude all of God’s people should have. Let loud

hosannas ring. Jesus is victorious over everything we are unable to be

victorious over by ourselves.

As we consider everything that has been done on our behalf, that last

statement before the chorus should be constantly in our hearts and coming

from our lips. “Power and glory unto the Lord belong.”

These verses from Ephesians and this song should get us excited about being

a child of God knowing how much we are loved. Let’s now sing this

incredible song of praise to our Lord!

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

November 17 Mary Jessup will be our speaker.

November 18 Beef Noodle supper—Fair fundraiser

December 1 soup lunch after worship; decorate sanctuary and

fellowship hall

December 5 Board Meeting for new and current members:

6:00 Commissions; 6:30 Board; reorganize after board meeting

December 7 Pick up candy orders

December 8 Community Christmas Vespers here

December 11 Women’s Lunch—reveal prayer partners

Candy Orders taken now through November 30—see flyer

Sign up in the back to help supply Vespers refreshments and to


Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362

Donation Box for November: The Lord's Storehouse

First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Keep in Your Prayers

Shirley Krall; Bobby’s father; Ruth Siburt; Dorthea Wood; Mike

and Kathy Gentry; Paul Kohler; Steve Needham; Larry Traxler;

Nancy Fansler; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver;

Ron and Kathleen Petersen; Doug Larrick; Shirley Clarkson;

David and Jan Bower; Debbie Garvey Leibrock; Mike and Carol

Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver;

many unspoken requests; victims of shootings and of natural

disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; the Haitian church;

those in the middle of war and violence; military and other

services and their families; Brethren Volunteer Service workers;

Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Shalom Team and the

Ethics Team and for On Earth Peace.