Monday, July 29, 2024

Sermon and Announcements July 28



July 28, 2024


What are you facing?

Daniel 6:1-28


This past week at Vacation Bible School the theme was Confidence with God. Terry Leach as host pastor gave the story on the first and last nights. Pastor Roe gave the story on Tuesday. I gave the story on Wednesday and Pastor Legg gave the story on Thursday. Each night one of the more dramatic and miraculous real-life stories from the Bible was told.


On Wednesday night I shared about Daniel and the Lions Den. I thought about recreating how I presented it to the children and seeing how well you would do with the questions I asked them. We had a really good group of kids. As I mentioned earlier, I believe there were somewhere between 50 and 60 different children that attended at least one of the evenings. The largest group most every evening was the Pre-K/Kindergarten group. Keeping 15-20 children at that age focused for 20 minutes can be a challenge. The teachers here with us today are well aware of that. Anyway, my story was about Daniel and the Lion’s Den. Even to the youngest group, I felt it necessary to explain why Daniel was going to be put in the lion’s den. Probably almost everyone here this morning has either read this story a number of times or heard it told a number of times or both.


It would be interesting to ask everyone to write down what story, what event from scripture you believe is the most miraculous or powerful or amazing of all. Maybe I will ask you that in the near future, so you might be thinking about it.


So, my Bible story was Daniel and the Lion’s Den. I believe these events really happened. Some critics and even some well-meaning scholars question whether some of the Bible stories really happened. I believe every one of the stories in the Bible are true. That being said, Daniel along with many of the brightest and the best of Judah were taken to Babylon when King Nebuchadnezzar defeated Judah. At the time this event happened, the third different king was ruling during the time Daniel and others from Judah had been taken to this foreign land. One might say 5 different things had happened that caused Daniel to be in this predicament.


1.    A new king came to power that quickly recognized what a special man Daniel was.

2.    Because of this, the king planned on making Daniel the second most powerful man in the kingdom.

3.    Many of the other people were jealous of Daniel; after all he wasn’t one of them.

4.    They came up with a plan to get rid of Daniel.

5.    They tricked the king into making a kingdom-wide decree that basically was designed just to get rid of Daniel and the king did not realize what it was all about.


Most all of us know what happened. We read the account this morning as well. The king reluctantly had Daniiel thrown into the lion’s den. King Darius hoped Daniel’s God would protect him. The lions’ mouths were shut by God. The next morning King Darius rushed to see if Daniel had survived the night. Daniel assured the king he was alright. The king was both thankful and mad. Thankful that God protected Daniel and mad that some of the men he had trusted tricked him into doing something that could have killed Daniel. As a result, he ordered the men and their families thrown into the lion’s den. Did Daniel know with absolute certainty what would happen when he was being thrown in with those hungry, ferocious lions? Probably not, but I am sure that Daniel continued to trust in God and have confidence in God to the point that no matter what happened he never stopped believing in God.

So, what does that have to do with you and me? Is there anything God wants us to learn from this incredible story? As I look out at those of you who are here today and I think of those of this congregation who aren’t able to be with us this morning, I know almost every one of you have things going on in your lives that are challenging to say the least. What are you facing today? While none of us are at risk of being thrown in with hungry lions, virtually every one of you is either personally facing difficult challenges or your loved ones or friend are. God wants us to read these stories and lock them in our hearts so we are reminded during those difficult times how much he loves His people.


The stories at Vacation Bible School this past week were told so that the children’s confidence in God might grow. God has been with His people in the past and He is still with His people today. So, no matter what you may be facing today or in the future, you can have full confidence that God will be right there with you. Just as Daniel’s faith never wavered, we also can stand strong in the Lord. God promised to never leave us or forsake us. Things may not always turn out the way we want them to but that doesn’t mean our Lord isn’t with us every step of the way giving us the strength and courage we need. So, no matter what, have faith and confidence in God. God loves you. Jesus died for you. The ultimate victory is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pastor Larry

(You can watch our church service on our facebook page.)



Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

August 1 6:30 pm Executive Committee

August 17 2:00 CUIC ice cream social—Born Park

August 28 12:00 Women’s Fellowship luncheon


On August 25 we will have a hymn sing during worship. Please list some hymns that you would like to sing on the sign-up sheet on the east bulletin board.


Please sign up for children’s message during worship and/or for a story lesson in the nursery.


Pastor Larry Traxler- (217) 454-2362

Donation Box for July: AC bills

First Sundays: Food Bank donations


Keep in Your Prayers


Sharon Traughber; Ruth Siburt; Steve Needham; Shirley Clarkson; Courtney Atteberry; Ava; Nora Hanaver; David and Jan Bower; Larry Traxler; Randy and Michelle West; Mike Gentry; Eli Brunner; Nancy Fansler; Doug Larrick; Ron and Kathleen Petersen; Debbie Leibrock; Dorthea Wood; Mike and Carol Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; many unspoken requests; victims of disasters; victims of shootings; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; Haitian Brethren; Ukraine; Israel, Iran, the Palestinians; Military and Other Services and their families

Brethren Volunteer Service workers; Disaster project workers

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Canton congregation and for the Church of the Brethren (Iglesia de los Hermanos) in the Dominican Republic.



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