Monday, December 16, 2024

Sermon and Announcements December 15, 2024


December 15, 2024

Let Us Go and See

Luke 2:8-15

We continue a familiar theme. For the third week in a row, we read that an

angel of the Lord appeared out of nowhere to make an announcement. The

angel that appeared to Zechariah and Mary told them his name was Gabriel.

On this occasion, as was the case with the angel in Joseph’s dream, it simply

says an angel of the Lord appeared. In a period of just over a year’s time, an

angel appeared in one way or another four different times. It is obvious

something major was about to happen. On all four occasions those involved

were just minding their own business. They had not been seeking the Lord’s

help or direction in ways different from the past, but in all four cases an

angel appeared without warning and out of nowhere.

In every case, God had a specific reason for sending his angel to those

involved. With Zechariah and Elizabeth, the prayers they had been lifting up

to the Lord for years was finally going to be answered. Elizabeth would have

a son. He would be special to what God was about to do on behalf of all


With Mary and Joseph where we have a couple that was looking forward to

marriage and a family. They were two good and honorable people beginning

their lives together. But before they really started their lives together, God

was going to use them in ways they never dreamt could happen. The angel

came to both Mary and Joseph in different ways and at different times to

explain God’s plans for them and the son that they would raise.

Now we have a third time the angel came to speak to people who would

have never believed such a thing could happen. On this evening, we have

shepherds doing what they probably had done hundreds of times before.

They were on a hillside or a pasture keeping an eye on a flock of sheep. I am

sure it seemed like just another night. They may have been on guard to

make sure no wolves snuck in to get any of the sheep, but otherwise just

another night. But then their lives changed and the whole world was about

to change forever as well. Here we have shepherds watching their sheep

when suddenly out of nowhere someone else was there with them. This was

not some ordinary looking stranger either.

When the angel appeared to Zechariah and to Mary there is no mention of

anything special about him other than his sudden appearance. Something

was different this time. We are told that when the angel appeared the glory

of the Lord shown around them. Out on that dark hillside or pasture it

sounds like a visible sign of something special was there before the

shepherds’ eyes. As soon as the angel told the shepherds what was

happening and why he was there, things got even more exciting. As soon as

the angel finished telling the shepherds that the Savior of the world had just

been born in Bethlehem, it says a great company of the heavenly host was

there with the angel as well. We are told what the heavenly host proclaimed

but we aren’t told how they really did it. When you read of this event or

have heard it told, how do you picture it? Do you see them standing next to

the angel or do you think of them as suspended in air just above the

shepherds? Are they saying these words or in some way singing this great

announcement to all who could hear? It would appear that as quickly as the

angel and this heavenly host appeared, they were gone. If somehow, some

way something like this happened to you, what do you think you would do?

Would you believe your eyes and ears or would you think you had been out

away from people with the sheep for too long? The scripture tells us they all

agreed that they should go and see if what they were told was really true.

Have you ever been told by someone of something out of the ordinary that

you felt you had to go and see if it was really true?

I hate to admit this but as I thought about that one thing instantly came to

mind. In 1974 many of you remember Cerro Gordo had one of the best small

school basketball teams in the State of Illinois. Cathy and I were dating and

had just gone with some others to one of the Cerro Gordo basketball games.

That particular game was an away game so after the game was over, we had

come back to Cerro Gordo. Before I go any further, I will admit what Cathy

either is already thinking or will be in a minute or 2, the things I should

remember I do not and the things that are not important or I should forget I

seem to remember. On with the story. When we got back to Cerro Gordo,

we were told by some kids about something that was supposed to happen

at Millikin University. So, we loaded up and went in to see if it was true.

During the mid-70s, there was an insane craze that swept across many cities

in America, especially on college campuses – streaking! Any of you

remember that? There were supposed to be some college kids streaking

there at Millikin. For those who don’t know what that means, you take off all

your clothes and then go run on the streets. Sure enough, there were some

who were actually streaking on this rather warm February evening.

Hopefully you have thought of some better, more meaningful examples of

what you may have been led to go and see as I have shared this rather silly


The shepherds faithfully went to Bethlehem and found the place where

Jesus had been born. Everything was just as they had been told. They knew

they had been blessed in ways no one else would ever be blessed. Of all the

people God could have revealed this historic event to, he chose shepherds.

Shepherds were not the most respected people. They clearly were not

respected like priests or kings or even shop keepers, but God chose

shepherds to be the first to witness this history changing event. They had a

choice. They could have said, “I am not going into town. It is late, I am tired

and it is too far.” But they didn’t. They believed they had been given a

special gift and they had to see for themselves.

God is still asking people to come and see. Maybe we will never have Gabriel

come and announce something special to us, but the Holy Spirit is still calling

us to come and see. The Bible says after the shepherds left, Mary, Joseph

and the baby Jesus returned praising and glorifying God. I am sure they told

everyone they saw from that day forward of the special blessing God had

given them. There are several things that we can learn from this event.

1. Nothing is impossible for God.

2. God will do exactly what he says he will do.

3. Everyone is special to God.

After 2000 years, God is still calling out to this world to come and see.

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

Today Advent special offering—envelopes are in back

Tuesday, December 17 7:00 pm Christmas service

December 31 Due date for submissions for the

January/February newsletter

January 2, 2025 Board Meeting—Commissions 6:00; Board

6:30 p.m.

Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362

First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Keep in Your Prayers

Lois Day family; Rick and Debbie Chestnut; Shirley Krall;

Bobby’s father; Ruth Siburt; Dorthea Wood; Mike and Kathy

Gentry; Paul Kohler; Steve Needham; Larry Traxler; Nancy

Fansler; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver; Ron and

Kathleen Petersen; Doug Larrick; Shirley Clarkson; David and

Jan Bower; Debbie Garvey Leibrock; Mike and Carol

Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver;

many unspoken requests; victims of shootings and of natural

disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; the Haitian church;

those in the middle of war and violence; military and other

services and their families; Brethren Volunteer Service workers;

Disaster project workers; victims of Helene and Milton

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Hurricane Creek

congregation and for the Church of the Brethren in Venezuela

and Columbia.

1 comment:

  1. They knew

    they had been blessed in ways no one else would ever be blessed.
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