March 2, 2025
Do all to the Glory of God
Romans 12:4-6, Colossians 3:17
We have
looked at the scripture we have begun with this morning before. The section in
Romans 12 is similar to the verses in 1 Corinthians 12. They both talk about
the gifts given to the church by the Holy Spirit.
inspiration for this message this morning has to do with a couple of the things
we got to witness while we were on vacation.
We were
Blessed to be able to go on a cruise while we were gone. I do not know how many
of you have ever been on a cruise but it is a different kind of a vacation in
that once you get on the ship you are there until the ship returns to port. You
can’t decide, "I think I will go home early," or "I don’t like this; let’s do
something else" like you can on a more traditional land-based vacation.
Beginning with our 25th wedding anniversary we have been on several
cruise over the years. They work for us but I know they aren’t for everyone.
That all
being said--what led me to this message was a couple of the entertainment
options that were on this cruise. First of all, there was a diving show that was
performed several different times throughout the cruise. The pool that is
available for them to dive into is probably about 15 feet by 30 feet. Some of
the dives were from 30 or so feet above the pool surface. These dives are being
performed out on the ocean with the boat moving as it goes through the
water. The incredible skill and talent
of these divers is amazing, not to mention the unbelievable ability to hold your
breath under water that these men and women displayed.
The second
show that we got to enjoy was ice skating. They actually did 2 completely
different shows on this cruise. The first was a show that had a story behind
it, the second was a freestyle skate that the performers used their own
creative talents to create.
As we experienced these 2 different types of
entertainment as well as the display of incredible talent, I was reminded of
how God Blesses each and every one of us with gifts and talent. How we use some
of those gifts and talents is up to us.
Some of
those gifts and talents can be used by God to highlight the beauty and majesty
of God. The diving and skating could be used as a tremendous platform for God
for those lead to use it in that way. Some of the gifts and talents the Lord
gives us is less spectacular in some ways but every bit as important.
So many of
you do things on a regular basis here as a part of this congregation with
little fanfare and little credit. If no one else notices I guarantee you God
does. We just had a soup supper here that I didn’t feel I should attend because
of the flu. I felt so bad that I let you down but I know so many of you stepped
up and made it a success yet again. So many of you have been using your gifts
and talents for this congregation and this community for a long time.
So, whether
it is the awe-inspiring talents of divers and skaters or the variety of gifts
and talents some of us “less gifted” people have, all God continues to ask us
is to do is whatever we can for the work God continues to do in this world. God
has given each and every one of us gifts and talents never forget that.
As we wrap
up our time together this morning, I leave you with this from Ephesians 4:7-8
“But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This why
it says: When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts
to mankind.” You and I continue to be Blessed with gifts by Christ to this day.
Use them to the glory of God as we, each in our own way, seek to “To do all for
the Glory of God”.
Pastor Larry