Sunday, February 16, 2014

Do These Bones Live?

At the Cerro Gordo Church of the Brethren, we are working to "Let the Bones Live" by following Jesus' example and teachings.
One way we do this is by serving others.
The Women's Fellowship sponsored a work day at church this past week. Our goal was to make as many blankets as possible to give to shelters and others in need.

Sometimes we ironed fabric (of which our quilt room holds plenty) and some of us pieced quilt squares (some are laid out on the table in the above photo.

Some of us tied quilts.

Some of us tied fleece blankets.

We finished 5 blankets and have 3 more in various stages of completion.
We also enjoyed devotions on Dorcas, a loved and respected woman, who Peter raised from the dead.
What a joy it is to work together for Christ!
All are welcome to join us in worship and in work! Please come!