Monday, October 14, 2024

Sermon and Announcements October 13


October 13, 2024


Psalm 86:1-11

How often over the years have you asked in one way or another the

question, why? For those of you who are parents, it has been said that

the most often thing kids say is, “Why?” Depending on the question

sometimes we can give an answer that may end the questioning, but at

other times the answer may simply lead to another question of why.

As Christians it isn’t wrong to ask our Heavenly Father the question,

why? The verses we looked at this morning in Psalms is King David both

asking the question why and also saying to God, “I know you can help

me understand. Please help me understand why.”

Throughout the Old Testament are stories of people who had to be

asking God why. Adam and Eve shouldn’t have asked God the question

why, but I bet they did when they got in trouble in the Garden of Eden.

Moses asked God, why me? Abraham and Sarah asked, “Why haven’t

we been able to have the children you promised?” Joseph was sold to

those in a caravan by his brothers for simply being honest. I am sure he

asked God why. Of course, God eventually gave Joseph his answer.

Think of Daniel, of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they got in

trouble for being faithful to God. “Why God?” Job’s incredible story,

Esther who was asking God, why me? We could go on and on from the

Old Testament.

Then there was Lazarus’ sister who cried out to Jesus, “Why? If only you

had been here earlier?” On this occasion Jesus answered their prayers

in a powerful way. After Jesus ascended back to the Father before it

was all said and done, all of his disciples (apostles) were killed for the

cause of Christ but one. Stephen faithfully understood the big picture. It

is not about now; it is about eternity. But there had to be questions by

both the apostles, as well as the church of why.

Part of the reason I am sharing this message today is because of the

storms that have hit the east over the past couple of weeks. I guarantee

you there are a lot of people asking the question, “Why? What have we

done to deserve this?”

I do not know how many of you watch TV shows that might have St.

Jude Children’s Hospital commercials on them, but there was one in the

past in which a mother of a young child is saying, “Why does this

happen? They haven’t done anything that should have caused this?”

I am pretty sure every single one of you has faced a situation in which

you felt you could honestly ask God the question, “Why?” Sometimes

we might be able to see things we did or didn’t do that brought those

things on when it is about you or me. If it is about someone else, we

need to be careful about coming up with reasons for their situation.

Sometimes we may honestly have to accept the fact we may never

know why things happen as they do. By the strength of the Holy Spirit,

we can remain faithful in spite of the times in our lives we do not

understand why.

David was both admitting to God he did not understand why things

were happening as they were and asking for God’s mercy and grace to

see him through. In Psalm 86:12-13 David says this, “I will praise you, O

Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For

great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths

of the grave.” While he may not have understood all that was

happening, he knew God loved him and would deliver him.

So, while we may daily be asking God the question why, God wants us

to stay strong knowing he loves us and will deliver us in his timing in his


To close this morning, I want to pay a song (Faithfully) for you by a

Christian artist named Toby Mac. It has been over a year ago now that

he faced one of the most difficult things a parent can ever face: the loss

of a child. Any loss of a child is difficult, but this loss was especially hard

for this man who had dedicated his life to reaching out to youth with

the message of Christ. Toby’s songs have always been about God’s love,

mercy and grace, how we are loved by God. What made this loss even

more difficult was that his son committed suicide. Eventually God led

him to write a song about his journey. This song is an honest look at

where he has been since the loss of his son and where God is leading


As we pray for the victims of the hurricanes and as you are looking at

different situations you have, or are you asking God why about today, I

pray this song will be used by God to build your strength and give you

the courage to not lose heart and never turn from God no matter what. 

Pastor Larry


Sunday School 9:00

Tuesday 9:30 Bible Study

Wednesday, October 24 12:00 Women's Lunch--meal provided

--College care packages will be assembled in early November.

Please have snacks at church by November 3. (6 or 7 students)

--Issues of The Daily Bread are available. Please take one.

--November/December newsletter deadline: October 30

Pastor Larry Traxler (217) 454-2362

Donation Box for September: utilities

First Sundays: Food Bank donations

Keep in Your Prayers

Shirley Krall; Bobby’s father; Alan Baker; Ruth Siburt; Dorthea

Wood; Mike and Kathy Gentry; Steve Needham; Larry Traxler;

Nancy Fansler; Stacie Warren; Nancy Gorrell; Nora Hanaver;

Ron and Kathleen Petersen; Doug Larrick; Shirley Clarkson;

David and Jan Bower; Debbie Garvey Leibrock; Mike and Carol

Seidenstricker; Adiline Young; Mayo and Darlene Hanaver;

many unspoken requests; victims of shootings and of natural

disasters; shut-ins; the Nigerian church; the Haitian church;

those in the middle of war and violence; military and other

services and their families; Brethren Volunteer Service workers;

Disaster project workers; victims of Helene and Milton

District Prayer Calendar: Pray for the Neighborhood (Boulder

Hill) congregation and for the work of the Brethren Historical

Library and Archives in Elgin.

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